Ena (CH Manitou's Fire Away CD) is a large, feminine girl. She's very sweet and sensitive. Her favorite activities are mucking about in water, chasing deer, and receiving belly rubs. Ena is from the Manitou Rock Star litter (Gusto x Tori). Her name is Hawaiian for red-hot spark.
CH Manitou's Fire Away CD Date of Birth: November 27, 2010 Pedigree: http://toller-l.org/tollerdata/pedigree.asp?ID=29068 Hip clearance: PennHip 50th Percentile L-.38; R-.48 Elbow clearance: Normal Heart clearance:OFA DTR-CA962/50F/C-VPI Normal - Cardiologist Thyroid clearance:Other Hemolife: 2/10/2015 Normal Eye clearance(s) Clear PRA:Optigen Accession # 11-615 Clear CEA:Other Cleared by parentage CP1 clearance:OFA DTR-CPS91/45F-VPI Clear JADD clearance:OFA DTR-JAD144/19F-PI Probable clear/Normal Degenerative Myelopathy clearance:OFA DTR-DM24/39F-VPI Normal N/N Patella Luxation clearance:OFA normal Normal - Practitioner Color:Red white markings - Clear for Buff - DTR-BUF55/45F-VPI |